Over 50% of marketers are currently increasing their digital campaigns budgets. Here are some of the reasons why this dynamic shift to digital marketing is happening and cannot be ignored:
1- It’s Less Expensive
Studies show that average costs per lead cost 61% less through inbound digital marketing channels when compared to traditional outbound media.
Customers are becoming smarter and learning to leverage the internet to research products and services before they buy. This means that you can start a SEO auditing on your website in order to increase the traffic and to make your website rich in content by optimizing all the SEO guidelines. This includes the use of search engines, online review sites, and comparison shopping sites to find the company’s website that best meets their needs. If your website is not search engine-optimized and user friendly, you are invited to contact JorMall Agency in order to explain to you how we can help you.
2- Larger Audience and Reach
Nearly 97% of consumers use online media to research and find products prior to making a purchase. If your website is not search engine-optimized and user friendly, you are missing out on potential sales and visits! JorMall ready to make it better for you.
3- It’s More Effective
Leads from organic search results are 750% more likely to close compared to leads from traditional media. With lower costs per lead and higher conversion rates, ROI from a successful digital strategy can greatly exceed the ROI of traditional advertising. Through strategically designed websites, optimization, content creation, SEO, and digital campaigns, JorMall can provide you with a Digital Marketing strategy in order to get the best organic traffic so the companies are seeing improvements to their bottom lines.
4- Higher ROI
82% of businesses report seeing a higher ROI after implementing a full digital marketing strategy from JorMall.
5- Advanced Targeting
Digital marketing offers more ways to target unique and specific audiences and demographics than traditional media.
While traditional methods (radio, TV, print) focus on reaching broad audiences and large volumes of people, digital is able to be much more refined to target the specific audience that is interested in and searching for your product/service. The results are less wasted marketing dollars and more sales! With our Professional GoogleAds team we can target any specific audience you want with a high level of quality.